getting started

Your initial consultation.

At Sierk Orthodontics initial consultations are always free and include digital photographs and a panoramic X-ray. The purpose of an initial consultation is to evaluate your orthodontic needs, determine if and when treatment is needed, and estimate the length and cost of the treatment.

  • Photographs and X-rays help us determine exactly where each tooth is initially and accurately plan where it will end up. This imagery is referenced throughout your treatment and during the retention phase as well.

If we find during our evaluation that more development is required before treatment should begin, we will suggest free periodic visits to our office until you are ready.

When you decide you are ready to begin orthodontic treatment, we will start by gathering your initial diagnostic records which include:

  • Impressions of your teeth which we use to create models. These models allow us to accurately measure your teeth, analyze your bite and plan your treatment.
  • Cephalometric X-ray which is used to determine measurements for your prescribed movement.
Your initial consultation.

Finances should never keep you from getting the smile you deserve. At Sierk Orthodontics we offer:

  • Flexible payment options 
  • Multiple family member discounts
  • Payment in full “bookkeeping” discount
  • Accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express
  • Automatic payments from a debit or credit card account

From your initial phone call, we will gather information from you to verify orthodontic benefits for those patients with insurance.  We will assist those patients with FSA and HSA accounts by providing you the appropriate paperwork for your submissions.

Save time.

You can shorten the length of your initial consultation right now. Download our Patient Information and Dental/Medical Health History form. Then, fill it out and bring it with you to your initial appointment. You’ll be one step ahead and we’ll get to see you that much faster.

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